Create New Expiration Reminder

Follow these steps to create new expiration reminder.

  1. From the Dashboard or from Explorer page, click +New button.
  2. Association: Select folder to associate your expiration reminder. Your new expiration reminder will be saved in this folder. You can always create new folders.
  3. Document Data: Select a document type from the list. You can add more document types.
  4. Every document type can have pre-defined FIELDS. You can add/remove fields as per your requirements.

    To add a new field:

    • Select FIELD TYPE (Text/Number/Date) from the drop down list.
    • Enter new field’s name and click green plus button.
    • You can add up to 32 fields per document.
    • To delete a field, click the red Delete button.
  5. Check Auto Renew if you want this document to renew automatically when expired.
  6. Enter notes/comments related to your document. This is optional.
  7. Notifications: Plan your notification frequency. You can set notifications before, on or after the expiration date.
    Click +Add a notification to add more notifications.
    Click Delete button to delete a notification.
    You can add up to 12 notifications per document.
  8. Select Yes/No to send notifications to account admin.
  9. Contacts: You can schedule email or SMS notifications for each of your contacts. You can always add new contacts to your contact list.
  10. To select recipients:
    • Click the green button to add that contact to recipient’s list.
    • Next, select email/SMS check box for this contact.
    • To remove a contact from the list, click DELETE.
    • You can add up to 12 contacts per document.

  11. Attachments: You can attach files with your expiration reminder. This file will be included in the reminder email.
  12. Once you have completed the required document fields, click Save Document.