Dashboard Metrics

The Remindax dashboard provides a snapshot of your items and their status. Here’s a breakdown of the key metrics:

Item Counts:

  • Total Items: The total number of items (documents, appointments, etc.)  being tracked in your currently selected company.
  • In 3 Months: The number of items scheduled to expire within the next 3 months. You can adjust this timeframe by clicking the three vertical dots.
  • In 3 Weeks: The number of items scheduled to expire within the next 3 weeks. You can adjust this timeframe by clicking the three vertical dots.
  • Expired Items: This metric lists items that have already passed their expiration date. If you’re tracking appointments or similar time-sensitive tasks, any items with a past date will appear here, allowing you to manage overdue items more effectively.
  • Archived Items: The number of items that have been archived and are no longer actively tracked. Archived items do not count towards your account’s item limit. Go to Archived section to view or restore archived items.
  • Active Items: The number of items that are currently active and being tracked. Active items count towards your account’s item limit. You can mark any item as active or inactive in Explorer.

Compliance and Action Status:

  • Compliance: Compliance reflects the percentage of expired items that have been addressed. A compliance score of 100% indicates that all expired items have been marked as completed or handled in some way. Monitoring compliance helps ensure nothing critical is left unattended.
  • Completed: Items marked as “Completed” after expiring fall under this metric. These are items that no longer need action, helping to contribute to your compliance score. Marking expired items as completed allows you to clear them from pending actions.
  • Pending Action: This includes items that are marked as “Pending Action” after their expiration date. If further steps are required but can be deferred, they fall into this category. These items remain in the system until addressed and impact your compliance percentage.
  • Upcoming: Items with one or more reminders scheduled but none yet processed fall under “Upcoming.” This helps you anticipate upcoming deadlines or actions without any processed reminders yet.
  • In Process: Items that have one or more reminders in the queue, with at least one reminder already sent, are classified as “In Process.” This category is useful for tracking ongoing reminders or actions for items nearing completion.

Understanding Active and Inactive Items:

  • Active Items: These items are actively tracked and will receive reminders.
  • Inactive Items: These items are temporarily paused and will not receive reminders until reactivated.


Here is a visual representation of Remindax Item Lifecycle:

Remindax Item Lifecycle